Monday, March 8, 2010

Lesson Learned.

One lesson I've learned is to not lie to my dad, especially about something big. I've never really lied to him very much, but when I have lied, I've always gotten caught. This summer I wanted to go with Gilbert to Dallas, to go to a concert. I told my dad that we would be staying at his sisters, which we did, and that his parents were going along as well; he let me go. We were staying up there for a week and about the second day, my dad called me saying that they saw Gilbert's parents in town. I didn't know what to tell him; I had lied about his parents staying in Dallas with us. My dad told me that he was debating on whether or not he should come the next day to bring me back home but luckily, he didn't. When we got home, my dad talked to me about lying and what not. Even though I didn't get grounded, I still learned not to lie to him.